Hey there! My name is Rebekah Mohney. I am a licensed and registered pediatric occupational therapist with 9 years of practice. My passion lies in being able to truly help our babies by setting them up for a bright and healthy future. I am a loving mama to 3 beautiful babies and I believe children are God’s gifts and blessings to this world. It is so important to me to spread knowledge on how to best help our wonderful children thrive for lifelong health and wellness. I love all things holistic, crunchy, natural and wholesome. I believe our creator made our bodies incredibly miraculous and my goal is not to heal, but to facilitate the healing power of our amazing bodies and provide you with the knowledge to best support that journey.

Education, Advanced Training + Certifications

  • Gillespie Approach (Cranialsacral Fascial Therapy)

  • Infant positioning and handling

  • A functional guide to support lip and tongue ties

  • Primitive Reflex Integration

  • Pre/Post frenectomy training with Michelle Emanuel