CranialSacral Fascial Therapy
This intricate system originates in the body's core around the brain and spinal cord and extends through the body's fascial web which surrounds and permeates every structure down to the cellular level. A healthy system allows for the free flow of Cerebrospinal fluid from the brain, down the spine, to the sacrum, and into the connective tissue (fascia). Strain anywhere in that system may effect brain function and mobility. Our brains must expand and contract, and any restrictions or damage to this motion, such as those due to difficult birth or head injury, can greatly effect our health and wellbeing.
Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) is the work of Dr. Barry Gillespie. Based on his theory that the Craniosacral and Fascial systems are not separate, but one interconnected system, CFT blends two established modalities: Cranial Sacral Therapy and Myofascial Release, into a single, highly effective therapy.
CFT techniques are designed to gently unwind accumulated fascial strain, allowing optimal mobility and therefore better brain function. When the Craniosacral Fascial system is loose and open, there is optimal flow of cerebrospinal fluid to help nourish the body and cleanse toxins.
The Brain has to breathe. The Fascia has to be free
Conditions that CFT may support if due to tight and restricted fascia..
-Positional strain in utero
-Birth Trauma
-Physical/emotional trauma
-Head shape concerns
-Body Asymmetry
-General Tension/tightness
-Difficulty sucking/latching
-Ear infections
-Tongue/Lip ties
-Physical or Emotional Trauma
-Learning disorders
-Sinus conditions
-Vagus nerve support
-Back/Neck pain
-Digestive issues
-Sleep issues
-Poor range of motion
-Sinus conditions
-Physical/Emotional Trauma
-Vagus nerve support
“I had a knee replacement in April with multiple complications including high heart rate and two months after surgery had lost my pitch in my voice. I struggled with sentences. It was like I didn’t have enough breath to end my words. After three sessions of CFT with Rebekah my heart rate became normal and I got my voice back. I felt normal after 7 months of struggles. I was thrilled.”