Tummy Time Difficulties
Cries and fusses consistently during tummy time
Spends less than 10 minutes per day on their tummy
Back arching consistency during tummy time
Difficulty turning head side to side
Unable to touch face/mouth with hand while in tummy time
Head Shape Concerns
Head flattening on the sides/back of head (plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, scaphocephaly)
Head/facial asymmetries
Frontal bossing (forehead protrudes out)
Noticeable tilting and/or rotation of the head
Side preferences
Difficulty holding head in midline
Only wants to look in one position and may fuss or look uncomfortable when you try to turn head in opposite direction
Delayed Milestones
Difficulty with lifting head
Getting onto elbows/hands on tummy
Delayed rolling
Head lag past 5 months
Reaching and grasping objects
Bringing objects to mouth
Independent sitting