Tongue ties develop in gestation and are an embryologic malformation based on genetics - affecting the multimusculature midline organ of your body (the tongue!). We can not prevent tongue ties in pregnancy.
Our tongues are responsible for forming our head shape, palate shape, mouth, jaw and airway. The tongue is meant to sit at the roof of our mouths. When our tongues are tethered to the bottom of our mouth through restricted frena and tight fascia, we are not able to fully elevate our tongues to rest on the roof or have optimal movement/strength.
Tongue restrictions cause restrictions and tension throughout our mouth, face, neck and entire body. This restriction can thus cause asymmetry of our mouth, face, head and body. Whole body asymmetry can be responsible for feeding difficulties at the breast or bottle, head shape concerns (brachicephaly, plagiocephaly and scaphocephaly), torticollis, etc
The tongue is connected to your entire body through the fascia! Restrictions in the tongue can cause deep, fascial restrictions from your tongue, through your neck, core, down to your hips and toes.
When the tongue is able to rest on the roof of the mouth, we allow for better facial growth, upper airway growth, autonomic regulation, and improved feeding/swallowing. Sensory input into the roof of our mouth puts us in a parasympathetic state (“rest and digest”) and makes us calm, regulated and happy. This is often why a pacifier or thumb sucking becomes problematic, as it is replacing what the tongue is supposed to be doing!
Tethered Oral Tissues (TOT’s, or tongue and/or lip ties) cause issues beyond feeding at the breast or bottle.
Cranial, facial and jaw growth
Development of upper airway
Nervous system regulation and sensory processing
Teeth / dental health (teeth alignment/crowding, correlation to cavities)
Whole body movement and posture
Gastrointestinal health
Picky eating
Chewing and swallowing issues
Ear infections due to improper swallowing and restricted fascia in the facial and cranial area.